I've also had a letter published in today's Cambridge News. It speaks for itself and I am very grateful to our excellent Cambridge-based newspaper for making room for it.
"Tories Should Leave Well Alone
I don’t know Michael Boughton- Fox of Bar Hill, but I am grateful to him for doggedly going after the fox hunters and hare coursers (Letters, January 14). I have a special hatred of hare coursing, against which I have fought for five decades. It is a disgusting so-called "sport".
Mr Boughton-Fox mentions David Cameron and the local Conservative MPs. I believe that, if anything, the Hunting Act, which they opposed, should be strengthened so that we can be sure that chasing and killing wild animals for fun is clearly and for ever unlawful and regarded by all with well-deserved revulsion. If they know what's good for them politically, Cameron, Hague, Herbert & Co should, at the very least, promise to let sleeping dogs lie - literally.
Geoffrey Woollard
Chapel Farm
Near Upware."
And the link to the letter is here -