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"Historic decision taken in Stormont to ban hare coursing" (League Against Cruel Sports)

Wonderful news from Northern Ireland.

Here is the link to that news via the League Against Cruel Sports:

The text of the news item reads as follows:

"Historic decision taken in Stormont to ban hare coursing.

Northern Irish politicians have voted to ban hare coursing under the new Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill.

The decision comes at a time when the UK government is giving MPs the opportunity to vote to bring back the barbaric sport in England and Wales by offering a free vote on repeal of the Hunting Act. An overwhelming 85% of the British public are opposed to hare coursing and hare hunting.

MLAs voted 23 to 18 in favour of a ban on hare coursing following hours of debating amendments to the new Bill in Stormont last night. The amendment to ban hare coursing was only tabled last week by UUP members Roy Beggs and Tom Elliott.

Deputy Head of Campaign and Communications Louise Robertson said: “This has been a vote for common sense and we are delighted MLAs have shown their support to end the cruel and barbaric sport of coursing. It makes the situation in England and Wales seem even more ridiculous with the government giving MPs the opportunity to turn the clocks back to cruelty. These blood sports have no place in modern society and the vast majority of the public support this view. We applaud Northern Ireland politicians for taking decisive steps to improve animal welfare legislation”.

I agree.