"No Fenman can back 'Vision'
Last week I read a report on England's failure to safeguard its wildlife, accompanied by an idyllic photograph of Wicken Fen - or at least of a swan nestling by the water that could have been in many places.
This little bit of pictorial propaganda illustrates the wishful thinking behind the plan to extend the fen to no less than 53 sq km on a vulgar tide of money, destroying some of Britain's richest farmland. If Wicken fen now is an example to follow, I feel deeply for the endangered species that are meant to be attracted by this new scheme, for which a mountain of money has been put in place. Mr Ben Gibbs, envisaging employment for a long way ahead, claims government support for the scheme but I wonder how many ministers have taken it in.
And I wonder how they would respond to the present policy at Wicken Fen with its fun and games programme for many thousands of visitors every year, its ghost walks, its scarecrow competitions, its everything bar concern for the creatures that were meant to take refuge here free from invasion.
For this is a microcosm for the new plan for everything to please the hordes of visitors on foot, in cars, on bikes and ponies and in boats, carrying fishing tackle and nets. Everything but true concern for the protection of endangered species for which another huge sum has been put in place.
We have wildlife in our area today. The w retched Wicken Vision will send away more than it attracts, rob us of mountains of food while disrupting life for the residents.
It reeks of wayward dreamers in charge and no true fenman would support it.
Anthony Day
Pond Green