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The future is bleak for the Conservatives - unless ...

It was 11 o’clock on the morning of the 19th of October, 1922, when a meeting of Conservative MPs was called to order at the Carlton Club.

Mr Stanley Baldwin remarked that Mr David Lloyd George, the then Coalition Prime Minister, was ‘a dynamic force.’ Mr Baldwin also expressed concern that the Liberal Mr Lloyd George might destroy the Conservative Party if he were to be permitted to carry on as head of the government.

It was decided that Conservative participation in the Coalition should cease. It ceased and Mr Baldwin soon became leader of the Conservative Party. Thus was born the 1922 Committee.

Of course, the present Prime Minister is not a Liberal (or is he?). And the present Liberal Democrat leader is neither Prime Minister nor anything to touch Mr Lloyd George. But there is a parallel. The Conservative Party is in danger of being destroyed today. Mr Graham Brady, M.P., is now the chairman of the 1922 Committee.

Many Conservatives believe that Mr Brady should do his duty and rid us of this ConDem Coalition government.

Come out of the shadows, Mr Brady.