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USCCB Pro-Homosexual?

Is that why stats 'appear' to be showing that American Catholics are open to same-sex marriage?
I had the creepiest dream just as I was returning to the Church/Sacraments in my early 20's.  It took place in a large Gothic church during High Mass, many priests and bishops were celebrating, their backs to the congregation.  At communion time, emerging from a cloud of incense, the presiding bishop dressed in layers of ornate Gothic vestments and lace, turned and approached the communion rail, accompanied by numerous deacons and servers carrying candles.  As the entourage moved forward to give me the sacrament, I noticed the bishop and his assistants were wearing heavy make-up, and the fingernails on their bejeweled hands were long and polished.  Smiling salaciously, looking into my eyes, the bishop opened his cope to reveal a fetus, obviously to be consumed as communion.  I pulled back in horror.  That was a bad dream, but I think of that dream every time I read stories such as the following.
The USCCB and New Ways Ministry.
In his classic work New Lies For Old — The Communist Strategy of Deception and Disinformation, ex-KGB Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn defines "strategic disinformation" as "a systematic effort to disseminate false information and to distort or withhold information so as to misrepresent the real situation, in, and policies of, the communist world and thereby to confuse, deceive, and influence the noncommunist world, to jeopardize its policies, and to induce Western adversaries to contribute unwittingly to the achievement of communist objectives." [1]
Over the last 40 years, a similar program of strategic disinformation and deception has been waged against faithful Catholics in America by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/U.S. Catholic Conference (NCCB/USCC), known today as the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

From day one, with malice and forethought, the NCCB/USCC, a creature of the Second Vatican Council (although its roots go back to the pre-Conciliar era), has been systematically attacking and undermining Catholic dogma, faith, and morals, thereby creating a climate of confusion, deception, and apostasy among rank and file Catholics.

And there is no area in which the USCCB's disinformation program has been more successful than in the realm of Catholic sexual morality as it applies to homosexuality and pederasty — the main driving forces behind the clerical sex abuse scandal in AmChurch today. [2] - Finish reading here.
My comments:
This particular report depicts Cardinals and Bishops apparently in collusion with New Ways over the years, since its founding.  It also demonstrates the sleight-of-hand in switching of religious orders the two founders of New Ways, Jeanne Grammick and Robert Nugent, performed to remain active in gay ministries.  Is it credible?  I don't know, although as for the religious order shell game, it is not unknown that religious congregations and abbeys have frequently been a place of refuge for the homosexually inclined. 
While the Bishops have spoken out against New Ways, evidently they aren't saying enough, as the author notes regarding Cardinal George's statement earlier this February:  "Cardinal George's February news release issued by the USCCB Media Department was prompted by New Ways' attack on the Catholic Church for its opposition, limited as it was, to homosexual and lesbian "marriages."  It was a masterpiece of deception and disinformation." (ibid)  Engel comes close to calling the Cardinal a liar. 
That said, the article was written by Randy Engel. I honestly do not know who she is, but I noticed that she is the author of a book called The Rite of Sodomy.  Evidently in her book - as in this article, she makes some very provocative claims against some American Bishops.