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What to do for Earth Day this year?

Are you perplexed too?
I can't believe it is almost here!  This year the children and I will be coloring Earth Eggs!  I know.  What a cosmic convergence of events!  The perfect syncretization of Earth Day, Passover, and Easter.  (There is still time to tell your pastor so your weekend Spring services can be inclusive of Earth Day!)  Here are the instructions for coloring your Earth Eggs.  (And a beautiful song suggestion for your at home or church and synagogue services: Earth Angel.)
What you will need:

•hard boiled eggs

•blue, green and yellow food coloring

•vegetable oil

•white vinegar


•coffee mugs or other containers

•3 spoons

•paper towels

•newspaper or a plastic disposable tablecloth

1.Put one tablespoon of oil and one tablespoon of vinegar in each coffee mug. In one mug, add a teaspoon of blue food coloring. In another add a teaspoon of green, and in the third add a teaspoon of yellow. Add water to each cup to make them 3/4 full. This allows room for adding the egg so that it will not overflow.

2.Cover work surface with tablecloth or newspaper. Lay out some paper towels to lay wet eggs on to dry. Place a spoon in each mug of food coloring mixture.

3.Hold egg in one hand at the ready. Choose a color, then stir the mixture with the spoon to create a whirlpool type motion. Once swirling, quickly lift the spoon out of the mixture and place the egg on the spoon. Dip immediately into the mixture, holding in the mixture for only a few seconds, then remove. Place on a paper towel. Repeat this process for each egg.

4.Once all eggs have been dipped in the blue mixture, move on to the green. Start with the egg you did first and repeat the process as above with green mixture. Again, lay on paper towels until done with all eggs.

5.At this point, you may choose to add more green or blue to individual eggs depending on how they look. Repeat with yellow if you desire. We did yellow on some but not all.

6.Carefully dry all eggs with paper towels, the oil makes them slippery! The oil will also give them a nice shiny coating.

These Earth Day eggs are a beautiful way to make your kids aware of Earth Day while preparing them for Easter (if you celebrate it). - Eco-friendly Crafts
