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To Ely and Burwell - very pleasant and rewarding

The campaign went to Ely this afternoon and to Burwell later. Both were very pleasant and most rewarding. In Ely I had the good fortune to come across a former Liberal Democrat District Councillor whom I won't name lest it embarrasses him. Suffice to say that he is pleased that I am standing as an independent and he is supportive of me. Thanks, J.W.!

Here are Sue and I pictured in St. John's Road, Ely. A kind lady used our own camera on us. As you can see, we are both thriving and don't look at all tired. Appearances can be deceiving, though, and I am actually quite exhausted when I finally turn in at night - alongside Sue.

The campaign posters arrived from the printers today - they are excellent and some are out at their planned sites already - and if you live in South East Cambridgeshire and are willing to put one in your window or on a board in your garden, please give us a call on 01223 861823 or e-mail us at GW5438@aol.com

At Burwell, I called on my dear friend and former District Councillor colleague, Mr Cyril Durrant, and his wife, Olive. Cyril has kindly signed my nomination paper and he and Olive are enthusiastic in their support. Mr Michael Michalak, also of Burwell and a gentleman with whom I have had friendly debate for many years, had no hesitation in signing, too. Michael (whose late father was of Polish birth) and his wife, Ingrid, are fine allies. My support is from right across the old political spectrum. The other signatories will be revealed soon.