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Visited every house in the village of Reach - how about that?

I visited every house in the village of Reach today and, though the village is relatively small and practically on my doorstep, I am quite pleased that I was able to get round and to meet so many more people. At least every other house was occupied by someone known to me and that actually slowed me down a bit because a candidate can get away with almost anything except being curt or hurried and rude.

(I know some people in Reach so well that I even called on a lady by the name of Anita and her husband, Ray. They are not on 'the net' but I was able to tell them that I had received an E-mail today from Anita's brother Tony in Australia: how about that, Anita, Ray and Tony?).

On my way round, I met a gentleman from Ely who was in Reach doing some work. His mate took our picture. By the looks of it, he's with me. See what you think.

Whilst walking Fair Green, I couldn't resist taking another picture, this time that of the Reach village sign which signifies the village's role as the home of Reach Fair, an annual shindig that dates back to the time of King John. The Mayor of Cambridge and a large retinue come out from the City and the Fair is opened officially from the very spot where I was standing today, just in front of Hill Farm, the old home of my dear friends, the Cole family.

Another fine friend, District Councillor Allen Alderson, also came along in his van and we had a good old chinwag. Allen and I go back many years in Cambridgeshire politics and, though he is still a Conservative and I am not, I am prepared to state my opinion to anyone willing to listen. Mr Alderson is a superb representative of The Swaffhams Ward. Here is his picture from the East Cambridgeshire District Council website.