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'David Cameron's coalition, born of failure, may make the new politics succeed' (Charles Moore, the Daily Telegraph, Saturday, 15th May, 2010)

Charles Moore writes well. His articles in the Daily Telegraph read well and merit serious consideration. But I fear that he is whistling in the wind today, for his latest contribution is entitled as above:

'David Cameron's coalition, born of failure, may make the new politics succeed.'

The full article may be read at -


It is probably unfair to pick up on, say, one sentence, but I have done just that in an on-line comment, posted as follows:

"So the first thing to note about our new coalition is that it is the result of Tory failure."

In reality, all three major parties failed big time. Labour obviously lost, but nowhere near as badly as had been predicted. The LibDems lost all of the poll positions posted after the TV 'debates.' And the Tories lost their eagerly anticipated landslide. We now have what few wanted - a ConDemNation - and I predict that it can't and won't last. Out of the weak will come forth sourness.