Areas that were 'done' included much of Buttercup Road, Central Avenue, Chadwick Court, Chambers Drive, Charlot Way, Chieftain Way, Circus Drive, Cornell Court, Engledow Drive, Flack End, Graham Road, Iceni Way, Minerva Way, Neal Drive, Newingham Crescent, Pegram Way, Ring Fort Road, Rosehip Road, Stanley Avenue, Starr End, Sweetpea Way, and Topper Street.
The people received the independent message very well. This is consistent throughout the constituency. The major political parties are more and more worried. And so they should be. The people are fed up with them.
The pictures below tell their own stories.
The campaigning continues apace. There's a mystery, though. I haven't seen anything of the other candidates since last Friday evening. Are they hiding? Are they frit? Who can tell?