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Rumours and fear mongering over Summorum Pontificum

Strange, violent, and dark forces wish to derail the application of Summorum Pontificum.
Late last night I received a couple of links to stories concerning rumours circulating that Summorum Pontificum is in danger of being sabotaged.  Some bloggers are asking for prayers and fasting to prevent anything like this from happening.  The rumours and fears and conspiracy theories seem to have originated with an otherwise credible blog.
I can't believe how shell-shocked traditionalists remain, despite the fact the Extraordinary Form of Mass has been 'liberated' and permitted by Papal decree - Summorum Pontificum.  Just yesterday I posted photos of Cardinal Burke presiding over the ordination of deacons for the Institute of Christ the King.  Along with Burke, Cardinal Ranjith is a proponent of the traditional liturgy, as are many other influential prelates, including abbeys and monasteries - traditional safe houses for the liturgy.  Such rumours are unsettling and foment suspicion amongst the faithful.  This form of liturgical gossip was once limited to seminaries and rectories or chanceries, as well as the whispers in the loggia of the Vatican.  It was bad enough then, yet now days, when everyone is an expert, this crap spreads like wildfire across the Internet.  And not a few people jump on these stories and use them to criticize anyone who just might happen to adhere to the liturgical reforms of the Novus Ordo - not the abuses of course - but the proper celebration of the Ordinary Form of Mass.
To my mind this rumour mongering and alarmist fears indicates a lack of faith and trust in God.  It is evidence that some uber-Catholics believe they can dictate to others the mind of God - the mind of the Church; that they can force God to arrange everything to their tastes.  It is an insult to God to say the Novus Ordo is not a licit Mass, or to rip it apart and condemn it as less holy than the Extraordinary Form.  It is akin to saying that  the 40 years since the Council, God has abandoned his people - that he left the faithful to wander in the desert.  'What father would give his children stones when they asked for bread?'  In effect, some of these traditionalist rebuke God as the Israelites did when they asked, "Is it possible for God to prepare a table in the desert?"  God has never abandoned the faithful - he continues to nourish us with the bread of angels - 'conforming to every taste' - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  No one is going to undo Summorum Pontificum.
In today's Gospel, it strikes me that the Holy Spirit seems to speak to those who would pull Christ aside and rebuke him, saying, "Get behind me... you are thinking not as God does, but as human beings do."
Again - no one is going to undo Summorum Pontificum.