Another post about nothing...
I don't know who she thinks she is but Lady Gaga is delusional - Anderson Cooper interviewed her last evening on 60 Minutes and it turns out she imagines herself as some sort of intellectual-sociologist-performance artist-therapist - healing the world. We are living in Sodom.
That's a lie! Lila Rose. So people think that because Old Testament Biblical figures lied, it's okay to lie. That is such fundamentalist bullshit.
And then.... and then....
I've tried to be nice to Spirit Daily lately, but my patience is wearing thin. There is a post up today regarding effeminate images of Christ (according to the author something of a plague since the Renaissance no less) as being responsible for driving men away from the Church. Claiming artists have depicted Christ as androgynous - while world visionaries and mystics have described Jesus as anything but. WTF? You base your reasoning on spurious and subjective mystical experience?
I hate it when people who know absolutely nothing about art and whose only exposure to good art happens to be the kitschy reproductions found on holy cards or cheap religious store framed copies of copies, attempt to criticize the masters. Fra Angelico was beatified without a miracle - JPII said his art was his miracle. His depictions of Jesus certainly do not look like Neanderthal Man. A very famous, conversion-working image of the Sacred Heart is often criticized as effeminate, although the original is not, some copies may come off so. Nevertheless it depicts a young man lovingly presenting his heart to the viewer - moving countless souls to devotion in the past couple of centuries. (Shown above.)
The writer at Spirit Daily cites the testimony of former priest Francis MacNutt-case and some nutty psychiatrist's near death experience as evidence Christ looked like the Incredible Hulk or something. The author claims no one represents Christ in a manner men can relate to. He suggests classical images should be replaced with manly ones... probably lifting weights and kicking ass. The author goes on to say many artists have feminine traits that they may have translated into their art. What an idiot. Is Michelangelo's depiction of Christ effeminate? Michelangelo was said to be a little light in the loafers, yet even his woman are butch.
The know-it-all at Spirit Daily ought to stick to his Catholic tabloid news stories covering fake apparitions and mystics and occult stories. His point of view is just as stupid as the pseudo documentary on embedded sexual imagery in classical iconography such as the San Damiano crucifix. I wrote about that here. What sophistry. I think the sexual issues these people bring up are with the beholder.
Art: Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pompeo Batoni, 18th century. The artist lived in the baroque period - the same period uber-Catholics can't seem to get enough of with all the architectural ornament and liturgical lace and satins. Maybe what remains of all of that should be done away with too.