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A good letter from Bill Pickess of Ely

The Ely Weekly News today publishes a good letter from Bill Pickess of Ely. Bill is my friend. Here is Bill's letter:

"Vision fighter finds an ally

Sir, It would seem that the National Trust has recruited powerful allies in its vision to enlarge Wicken Fen, lichen and that ubiquitous creature the nematode worm. This will no doubt weaken Geoffrey Woollard's campaign in favour of land for food. However, Mr Woollard has been joined by even more powerful allies, albeit unintentionally. The Right Honourable Hilary Benn and his environmental department advised the Oxford Farming Conference that Britain must become self sufficient in food production.

Every hectare must be put to use as food producing land. Meat and dairy production must become less intense for humanitarian reasons. Added pressure will also come from housing and infrastructure as the population grows to 70 million.

So, there we are. Geoffrey Woollard and Hilary Benn join forces to maintain good agricultural land. Unexpected and unlikely bed fellows!

But all in a good cause.

Bill Pickess
West Fen Road