A much better day weather-wise saw me working the streets of Wilburton and Haddenham and I was lucky again in that I met many interesting people including one elderly gentleman whose daughter and son-in-law live at Bottisham. I knew them when they were in business, he as a hairdresser, at Burwell.
The elderly gentleman knew my old friends, Mr and Mrs Ron Sulman, of Haddenham, who helped me with advice, etc., when Sue and I had horses. The picture above is of Linda and Laura, the American Belgian mares that we bought from an Amish farming family in Ohio. They were lovely animals and we took them to the Haddenham Steam Rally and the Haddenham Ploughing Match, where we were assisted by Mr Alfred (Alfie) Sennitt, who farmed land near Upware and now lives at a house in Ely called 'Dunfarmin.' Very appropriate.
The ploughing matches that we attended were held on the Haddenham farming estates of Mr Richard Wright, of Great Wilbraham, when they were under the very capable management of Mr Michael Church.
Then I met a lady and her son who were cleaning the family car (mine had a quick do earlier, so it is respectable again). The lady was rightly worried about the future of the National Health Service and we are undoubtedly entering a period of some uncertainty. Sue and I strongly support the NHS.
I also met a postman and commiserated with him regarding the difficulty of negotiating some letter-boxes: it's the 'hairy' ones that I dislike and, besides, one can never be sure that a dog isn't waiting to grab one's hand.
Next I came across some students of Witchford Village College and they all spoke highly of their school. I have heard other good reports, too, and this is excellent. Our country relies on our young people being well educated. I persuaded one of the students to take my picture with another student and a younger boy who is busy acquiring some more teeth. It's a nice picture. I don't know the names of the youngsters but I told them that the picture would be on my blog this evening - and here it is.
I also spoke to a gentleman and was getting on well with him until I discovered that he lives in Greece and doesn't think that he can vote for me. Ah. well, I can't win them all.
Finally, I got a useful picture of the traffic junction in Haddenham complete with the village sign and, more importantly, an illustration of the heavy traffic that is constantly thundering through this once-quiet village. Something must be done. I understand that my old friend, County Councillor Bill Hunt, is on to it. Bill is tenacious and I have every confidence in his powers of persuasion at the Shire Hall.