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To Isleham - pronounced EYE Z-L'UM

I have heard many different (and incorrect) pronunciations of Isleham but the correct one is as above - EYE Z-L'UM - and one says it in two syllables. I know the village well and have living family connections with
it. And Sue's gggggg grandfather was Thomas Moore (1724 - 1799), a 'gentleman,' of Isleham, part of whose Will is shown here. Thomas Moore's daughter, Alice Moore (1753 - 1816), married Francis Norman (1751 - 1779), and this couple's son, Thomas Norman (1775 - 1838), moved to Kirtling when he married Martha Dobito (1775 - 1832) in 1802. Thomas Norman had married well and he became a farmer at Kirtling as well as 'High Constable of the Hundred of Cheveley.' Bully for him!

Unfortunately, Thomas Moore, 'gentleman,' was not available to see me today (he being long since buried in St. Andrew's Churchyard) , but I did meet many others who proved to be equally interesting. Various views were received and noted. What was particularly noticeable was the rolling of the eyes and the looks of despair when the subject of MPs came up. We have to restore trust somehow. It won't be easy.

I parked for part of the time outside the Pound Lane Free Church, to which we also have family connections.

And, yes, I know: my car needs another clean!