Thanks be to God for the sacrament of Penance.
The Holy Father said it is good for humility - both for the penitent and the priest.
As regards the penitent, the Holy Father explained; "an integral confession of sins 'educates the penitent in humility, in recognition of his own fragility and, at the same time, in awareness of the need for God's forgiveness and trust that divine grace can transform life.' In an age characterized 'by noise, distraction and loneliness,' said the Pope, 'the penitent's conversation with the confessor can be one of the few, if not the only occasion to be truly heard and in profundity. To be received and heard is also a human sign of the acceptance and goodness of God to his children," he said." - Zenit
The Catechism: On The Sacrament of Reconciliation