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The John Corapi Affair.

Some thoughts...
One risks being called a bad Catholic if one expresses reservations concerning this very public story about this somewhat famous priest, currently accused of sexual misconduct and drug abuse.  As most of my readers know, the priest, Fr. John Corapi issued a public statement last week concerning canonical, non-criminal investigations into the charges against him as a result of a whistle blower former employee, described as disgruntled, and letters she sent to more than one bishop.  Corapi's superior's, not the bishops, called for the investigation and as is customary, placing Corapi on administrative leave in the process - at least until the investigation is completed.
It is hardly an attack upon the Church, priests, or the priest under investigation, to question the one sided version of this story made public by the man accused.  Catholics have been pretty much shell shocked since the height of the sexual abuse scandal and cover-up throughout the Catholic Church.  The stories keep on coming, most recently involving Fr. Euteneuer, a famous American priest.  Not too many months prior to the Euteneuer case, the Catholic faithful were scandalized by the Fr. Maciel revelations of a double life.  Locally a few priests have had their personal double lives exposed as well.  This is stuff Hollywood movies are made of.  Hence, when another accusation surfaces - thinking Catholics actually pay attention to details, and they ask questions, even sorting through possible evidential signs of behavior and statements by the accused.
One particular misstatement made by Fr. Corapi's 'company', of which he is the head, owner, director - what have you, states that Bishop William M. Mulvey of Corpus Christi, Texas, acted illicitly in removing Fr. Corapi from public ministry.  The spokesman for Corapi's company, Bobbi Ruffatto claimed the Bishop acted improperly and that the USCCB's policy of removing accused priests from active ministry after such accusations is wrong.  That statement echoes Fr. Corapi's personal statement regarding the events.
The truth is, Corapi's congregation enacted the suspension, not the diocese.  It is curious how that fact could be obscured.  Obviously, I am not the only person to question such things.  From my local Archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic Spirit:
Fr. Corapi's company...
"A representative of the media company owned by Father John Corapi challenged the action to place the popular speaker on administrative leave from priestly ministry, saying that it was illicit under “several points of canon law.”

Bobbi Ruffatto, vice president of operations at Santa Cruz Media, Inc., in Kalispell, Mont., charged in a posting on Father Corapi’s Facebook page March 25 that Bishop William M. Mulvey of Corpus Christi, Texas, acted improperly, according to canon lawyers consulted by the company.
The statement offered no specific citations of canon law.
However, Marty Wind, director of communications for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, disputed Ruffatto’s claim that Bishop Mulvey placed Father Corapi on leave. He said the action was taken by officials of the priest’s order, the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity in Robstown, Texas.
"We have been clear from the beginning that the bishop of Corpus Christi was notified by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity that the administrative leave was imposed by the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, not the bishop of the diocese,” Wind told Catholic News Service March 25.
Wind said that although Father Corapi was placed on leave, “it’s been the position of the Diocese of Corpus Christi from the outset that the presumption of innocence until proven otherwise is of the highest importance.”

Calls and emails from Catholic News Service to Santa Cruz Media requesting comment from Father Corapi and Ruffatto were not returned.
Online records with the Montana secretary of state list John Corapi as the registered agent for the company. A company with the same name also is registered in Nevada and online records in the secretary of state’s office there indicated John A. Corapi holds the office of president, treasurer, secretary and director. - Catholic Spirit

Links to other writers who have been objectively and dispassionately watching the case as it unfolds:
Elizabeth Scalia

Deacon Greg Kandra

Tom O'Toole

Mark Shea