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Fr. Corapi Accused: I think I solved the mystery...

If the accusations turn out to be true, and I hope not, it wasn't the real Fr. Corapi - it was an impostor.  I think these photos are irrefutable proof.
Surprised?  Don't be.
As everyone knows, Paul VI was replaced with an impostor who did all of the damage to the post-Vatican II Church.
Then there is the Sr. Lucy of Fatima impostor - they bumped off the real Sr. Lucy and had the impostor pretend the Third Secret of Fatima was actually revealed in it's entirety.  Who were they trying to kid?


I know!  Makes no sense.  So, I'm moving on now to more serious matters.  Why I get caught up in these things I do not know.  And yes I am praying for Fr. Corapi.