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The goatee: Orgins and meaning.

A more or less unconscious statement about virility and temperament.
Throughout history facial hair on gentlemen has been an important grooming statement for the man, often dictated by fashion and convention, facial hair can be said to be representative of a man's need to assert his masculinity and status.  Simply by his attentiveness to detail and by his carriage, the perfectly groomed gentleman announces his genteel taste and superiority to the public.  Whereas the poorly groomed, scruffy bearded man reveals his disinterest in material wealth and honors, and more often than not his lower status.  He may be a student or artist - whose disinterest is demonstrated by a nonchalance about his appearance - much like the monk, whose identity is frequently associated with the lowly and the poor.
The goatee on the other hand, gives the wearer a quite distinct identity from all other beards.  Originally the goatee was seen as a fashion fop for the very vain and pompous, a characteristic which endures to this day.  Of course it became identified with the intellectual and creative elite as well.  It was also adopted by the avant garde to distinguish themselves from the bourgeoisie in the 20th century. 
Likewise, as the name indicates - goatee - the beard is modeled after the he-goat, hence the beard became associated with evil and the occult.  Pop-culture demonstrates this frequently in media and practice, especially when worn with shaved heads.  The goatee also can make a sexual statement.  In cases of shaved heads and highly styled goatees, it can signal a shaved body as well as other erotic accessories and proclivities - otherwise not perceived by the uninitiated.
Like body piercings, most men have no idea the significance of their fashion statements and how they are perceived by the public.

Disclaimer:  This post has absolutely nothing to do with anyone living or dead.  Please be advised that I made the entire thing up as well.  It kind of makes sense though.