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'Brown’s ‘bigot’ blunder plunges Labour campaign into crisis' (The Times, Thursday, the 29th of April)
It gets worse by the hour. Go to -
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Blog Archive
My YouTube presentations - 5,607 'views' to date
It's May Day today - there are five more days unti...
Bottisham Village College - my old home territory
To Woodditton - again - and Burwell - again
What are these 'leaders' up to now? Hop, skip, jump?
More from the League Against Cruel Sports (LACS)
Mervyn King tells country the truth, so why the lies?
The final leaders' TV debate - now I am worried!
Canvassing in shirt sleeves - it didn't last
'Brown’s ‘bigot’ blunder plunges Labour campaign i...
This election is getting to me, but we also need t...
'Your fox has no teeth' - Mr Jacob Rees-Mogg, the ...
Mr Simon Heffer writes provocatively, but ...
The 'Vote Geoffrey Woollard' forces went two ways
'One down, five to go' or 'two down, four to go'?
There are seven days until Independents' Day
A sight to amuse me and my supporters, perhaps les...
Time off to go to Ashley for a friend's funeral
The National Trust, BAM Nuttall and the madness of...
Labour candidate John Cowan is sacked after boasti...
'Hustings' at St. Mary's Church, Ely - a polite bu...
To Great Wilbraham, Balsham and Linton - again and...
An interview with Star Radio - 107.9/1 FM - Great ...
Latest news from the Cambridge News - South East C...
Near disaster on Reach Lode - b****y BAM Nuttall, ...
The link to South East Cambridgeshire on Wikipedia
The following are direct quotes from my election p...
Read all about it in the Sunday Telegraph!
There are eleven days until Independents' Day
Some surprises on a glorious Saturday in Ely
Canvassing is just so interesting
'I met a man - with some garden ornaments'
Dear old Dennis of Grunty Fen - I remember him well!
Happy St. George's Day!
The Haddenham hustings - a short report and the ca...
Milton was truly beautiful this afternoon
Oh dear, oh, dear, what are we coming to next?
My YouTube presentations - 2,471 'views' to date
Hustings at Impington Village College - we enjoyed...
Mr George Dobito (1749 - 1812), of Kirtling Hall
"The Tories are suffering because they don't have ...
We campaigned at Ely and Chippenham during the day
Exclusive election story in today's Cambridge News
Forty-eight years ago today - at All Saints' Churc...
A wonderful evening back at Burwell again
To Burwell, Soham, Stuntney, Ely and Haddenham
I guess it's a first time ever in a General Election
There are sixteen days until Independents' Day
The on-line Ely Standard - very encouraging indeed!
Parsonage Close and Ash Grove, Burwell - rained orf!
Sue goes 'home' - to Cheveley, near Newmarket
WARNING - This YouTube presentation by 'Minority P...
New week, new day, new Times - and a comment
Milly is in the independent 'party' now!
Newest YouTube - 'There'll always be an England!'
Thanks to the efficiency of Royal Mail and East Ca...
Marvellous Milton - inspirational for both Sue and I
The local Lib Dems are losers and incompetents!
Over to Over - again - and Sue to Snailwell
We broke open the piggy bank for the nomination
I met one of our marvellous mailmen at Ely yesterday
The latest missive from the League Against Cruel S...
Mr Woollard makes my day - he's Sue's cousin!
Today's canvassing at Ely and Bottisham
The first 'hustings' meeting at Soham - all good s...
There are twenty one days until Independents' Day
But what do I stand for?
Gosh, I haven't mentioned my Sue!
Get on to Mr Michael Williamson, County Councillor
I felt touched by family history at Denny Abbey
I truly touched history at Waterbeach today
My principal opponent, Mr James Paice, has won ......
More signs of disillusionment and distrust in Sout...
Why the silence? Is it possible they are on to a l...
The sickening story of a swan killed at Quy - brin...
"Politicians fear angry electorate will lead to hu...
I am inspired at and by Stow cum Quy
The contrasting aspects of the City of Ely
But what do I stand for?
Are they still wallies? I leave my readers to judge
2,301 'Views' on YouTube - I'm genuinely amazed!
The team worked close to home today - great again!
The Tories are slipping in the polls - Peter Brookes
"Immigration: The Silent Issue" (The Times)
Bullingdon Boys get closer together - it won't last!
Sunday ought to be a day of rest for the electors
Today's 'Image Of The Day' from the League Against...
Today we mourn with poor Poland
The busiest and best campaigning day - we loved it!
Bullingdon Boy George is at it again - and wrong a...
Who's been messing with my/their posters? (Even th...
To Balsham, Bottisham, Fulbourn - and a very pleas...
Important message just received: Thanks, Stephen!
Charlie Brooks has written an article in the Teleg...
Last night's meeting - Swaffham Prior Parish Council
They are all arguing about peanuts in the deficit ...
Large arable field in Cambridgeshire voting Tory!
We split our forces - 'tween Brinkley, Stuntney an...
When will it end? Does anybody care any more? Brin...