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Milly is in the independent 'party' now!

Milly, supposedly a Jack Russell terrier but actually extremely hairy, was born on the 12th of June, 2007. Sue and I were so upset at losing (to cancer) one of our gorgeous Dalmatians that we rushed out - to Doncaster in South Yorkshire, as it happens - following sight of Milly in an on-line advertisement posted by a young couple who were obviously genuine. The advertisement included a picture that would melt the hardest of hearts and the following words:

"Milly is very much a loved puppy, she's happy, quiet and playful like any other puppy. Unfortuneatly ***** and myself can no longer keep milly as we have had to move back home. Both sets of parents never wanted a dog so we have to give her away. She has had her injections, she has not been spaded as she hasn't been on heat yet. She would suit a quiet family who as a back garden, who could offer her alot of love."  

Sue and I were not put off by the spelling mistakes. Indeed, they provided further proof for us of the genuineness of the advertisers.

Milly gets lots of love from a couple that 'as' a back garden, but the last few weeks have been far from quiet for this family. Milly has even been enlisted as a member of the independent 'party' that operates from her new home. Here she is with Sue, my wife of almost 48 years. (Yes, we know: Sue deserves a medal).