'On Friday last died, in the 64th year of his age, after a long affliction, borne with truly Christian fortitude, deservedly lamented by his family and numerous friends, Mr Geo. Dobito, an opulent farmer at Kirtling-hall, near Newmarket. - He was a man of the strictest integrity, and possessed great strength of mind.'
Mr George Dobito (1749 - 1812), of Kirtling Hall Farm (above), Kirtling, was my wife Sue's ggggg grandfather. Here is my transcription of his Will:
This is the last Will and Testament of me George Dobito of Kirtling Hall in the Parish of Kirtling in the County of Cambridge farmer made this third day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve I give and bequeath to my dear wife Martha the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to her within three months after my decease - I give and bequeath unto my said dear wife the several articles of furniture hereinafter mentioned which were her property previously to her marriage with me and which now are in my dwelling house in Kirtling aforesaid that is to say in the room called the best Chamber the Bedstead and Hangings Straw and Wool Mattresses Bed Pillows and Bolster new Counterpane and Blankets Bed side Carpets Chest of Drawers Six Mahogany Chairs Bason Stand Bason and Ewer Mahogany Dressing Table Looking Glass Fendiron and Fire Irons a new piece of Carpetting Window Curtains and a small table, In my own room the Bedstead and Hangings, Two Beds, Pillows and Bolsters Blankets and Quilt, Wool Mattress, looking Glass and Window Curtains In the room called Harriott's Room a Wainscot Bureau and an Old Chest of Drawers, In the parlour, Two Mahogany Dining Tables, Side board, Mahogany Chairs, Mahogany Tea Table And I order and direct that the said Drawers and other things shall be examined before the same are carried away to ascertain whether any part of my Property is contained therein other than what was the property of my said dear wife previously to my marriage with her I give and devise unto Thomas Norman the husband of my Daughter Martha and to his Heirs and Assigns All that my messuage or Tenement with the outhouses yard garden and orchard thereto belonging and all that pightle of pasture called the Hop Ground and also all that other inclosed field called Hedges Lay with them and their every rights members and appurtenances which Premises adjoin each other and are situate and being in Kirtling aforesaid are part Copyhold and part Freehold and are now in the occupation of the said Thomas Norman I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Martha the Legacy or sum of One thousand pounds I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Rebecca the Wife of William Deave the Legacy or sum of one thousand six hundred pounds I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Mary the Wife of Stephen Simperingham the Legacy or sum of two hundred pounds I direct the three last mentioned legacies to be paid within nine months after my decease I give and bequeath unto my Son William Dobito the Legacy or sum of one thousand five hundred pounds to be paid manner hereinafter mentioned that is to say, the sum of five hundred pounds part hereof written nine months after my death, the sum of five hundred pounds other part thereof at the end of five years after my death and the sum of five hundred pounds residue thereof at the end of ten years after my death but without any interest in the mean time And I will and direct that if my said Son William should die before all or any of the said sums in Instalments shall become due without having any child or children living at the time of his death or born in due time afterwards then and in such case such of the sums or Instalments as shall not have become due in his life time shall not be payable or paid but shall sink into and form part of the residue of my personal Estate I give and bequeath unto my said Son William Dobito all the Household Furniture Goods and Chattels Corn Grain Hay and other Crops as well standing and growing as severed: Farming live and dead Stock, Utensils and Implements of Husbandry and all other things whatsoever which shall be in or about or considered as part of the personal property belonging to the two Farms in Kirtling aforesaid which are now in the occupation of the said William Dobito one of which said Farms belongs to me and the other is called the Vicarage Farm I give and bequeath unto my Son Jack Dobito the Legacy or sum of two hundred pounds to be paid within nine months after my death I give and bequeath unto my Friend John Sawyer of Cheveley in the said County of Cambridge the Legacy or sum of seventy pounds for his care and trouble in the Executorship of this my Will to be paid within nine months after my decease I give and devise All that my messuage or Tenement situate and being in Sible Hedingham in the County of Essex commonly called or known by the name or sign of the Swan with the house and outhouses yard gardens and close of a meadow or pasture to the same adjoining and belonging with them and every of their rights and appurtenances unto my son George Dobito his Heirs and Assigns Upon Trust nevertheless that he do and shall permit and suffer my said Son Jack Dobito to use occupy and enjoy the same for his own residence only if he shall think fit so to do for and during the term of his natural life without paying any rent for the same but he my said son Jack Dobito keeping the said premises in good and tenantable repair and paying all Rates Taxes and Assessments whatsoever as well as those charged or assessed upon the Owner and upon the occupier and not doing, or permitting any waste or destruction to or upon the said Premises and from and after the death of my said Son Jack In Trust for all and every or any of his children or for his child, in case there be only one, of my said Son Jack in such sort manner and form and under and subject to such instructions directions and limitations and whether by Sale or afterwards, but if by Sale the money to be for the benefit of some or one of the children of my said Son Jack as my said Son Jack shall in and by his last Will and Testament direct or appoint And for want and in default of such direction or appointment Then In Trust to sell the said Premises and to stand poƒseƒsed of the money arising therefrom In Trust for the child or children of my said Son Jack in equal shares if more than one and if only one then In Trust to such only child Provided always that if my said Son Jack shall die without having any child or children living at the time of his death or born in due time afterwards then my said Son George Dobito his Heirs and Assigns shall stand seized of my said Estate at Sible Hedingham and for his and their own use and benefit absolutely discharged of the aforesaid trusts and every of them And in case a sale of the said Estate shall become neceƒsary under the trusts of this my Will or any of them I declare and direct that the receipt or Receipts of my said Son George Dobito his Heirs and Assigns shall be a good and sufficient discharge to the purchaser or purchasers of my said Estate for so much as the Purchase money as in such receipt or receipts shall be expressed to be received and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not afterwards be answerable or accountable for the misapplication or nonapplication of his her or their purchase money or of any part thereof, I give devise and bequeath all and every my Meƒsuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature Tenure or Kind soever not herein before disposed of with their and every of their Rights Members and Appurtenances unto my said son George Dobito his Heirs Executors and Administrators according to the respective nature and Tenures of any such Estates to and for his own and their own use and benefit But subject nevertheless to and charged with any Mortgages or Incumbrances which may effect the same, I give and Bequeath all the rest and residue of my goods chattels and personal Estate and effects of what nature kind soever subject nevertheleƒs to the payment of the several legacies hereinbefore given and to the payment of my just debts and funeral and Testamentary Expenses all to my said son George Dobito his Executors and Administrators to and for his own use and benefit And I will and direct that all contracts and agreements made and entered into by me and which may not have been perfected or completed at the time of my decease shall be justly and truly fulfilled and carried into Execution by my said Son George Dobito as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I constitute and appoint my said friend John Sawyer Executor of this my Will revoke all former Wills by me made In Witneƒs whereof I have to this writing contained in three sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to say my hand to the two first and hand and seal to the last sheet of paper the day and year first above written George Dobito (Seal)
This Writing was signed and sealed by the Testator George Dobito of Kirtling Hall in the Parish of Kirtling in the County of Cambridge and by him published and declared as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have subscribed our Names as Witneƒses thereof. William Challis. Elizabeth Challis. William Weatherby.
Probate of this Will was made in common form before the Revd. John Isaacson Clk. to the Worshipful John Leach Clk M.A. Comy. ye 25th July 1812 by the Oath of the Exor. to whom Admon was granted being sworn Saving all right &c.
Note to the above: Thomas Norman and Martha (George Dobito's daughter) were Sue's gggg grandparents. Thomas Norman (1775 - 1838), who was born at Isleham, was a farmer and also 'High Constable of the Hundred of Cheveley.' It even says this on his gravestone at Kirtling.