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The 'Vote Geoffrey Woollard' forces went two ways

The campaign divided itself again today. Sue's half went to Great Wilbraham - again - and did very well in that place. The responses are uniformly good throughout the constituency so we must be doing it right.

My half went to Ely - again - and the car was parked in the Waitrose car park. Here is one of the most attractive shopping areas of the City and, certainly, one of the best stores. I recommend Waitrose (and Iceland and Tesco, where I refilled the car and was asked if I was 'the' Geoffrey Woollard: I know of no others, so I suppose I am).

Who should I bump into but my wife's cousin, Mrs Gill Tarry. She's always a such a fun person. She wished me well. Thank you, Gill!

I also visited the Cambridge News and Ely Weekly News offices in order to congratulate my friend Jordan Day on being an 'on-the-ball' reporter during this election campaign. Jordan was the one who wrote up the 'exclusive' story on the Labour candidate and his doings that have brought the national spotlights on to our South East Cambridgeshire election.

Here are the Cambridge News and Ely Weekly News offices.

And who should I meet there but another lovely lady friend, Mrs Liz Sayers. Liz also wished me well. Thank you, Liz!

I 'did' several areas in the centre of the City including, amongst others, Vineyard Way, the street sign for which needs a paint job.

Knowing as I do who lives on Vineyard Way, I must say that I was extremely surprised by the complete absence of Conservative posters there. I guess that the Conservative bosses in South East Cambridgeshire have spent all their money on their huge posters and hoardings in the fields.

I certainly can't complain about my own poster coverage. Indeed, the sight below must be one for any sore eyes. That's what I call true devotion and loyalty. Thanks a million, ****!