The Red Book
Clicking on a link I found at Spirit Daily, I read an article on Carl Jung, Fascinating Facts You May Not Have Known about Carl Jung. The author discusses the fact that Jung had taken an interest in the occult and wrote his dissertation, “On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena”. I'm not surprised, who amongst the modernist thinkers of the late 19th early 20th century hadn't dabbled in the occult?
I believe Jung's openness to religious experience is one reason for his popularity amongst the more progressive post-Vatican II contemplative communities of nuns and monks. A fact which may help explain to some extent, their openness to New Age spirituality.
"He who wishes to go to Paradise must be an honest man and a good Christian, and not give heed to dreams." - St. Philip Neri
Art: The Shadow, from The Red Book