Why it is important to know what happened.
First off, why is it important for Catholics to know the details of what went wrong with Corapi? Because there is a hierarchy within Catholicism and because priests are the ones with the power to forgive sins, to baptize, to marry, to confirm, to direct and counsel and teach - in union with their bishops. Because if they deceive or seduce us or just one member of the faithful, they weaken the faith of the weakest and repel many of those just beginning to look to the Church for salvation. Because to know how the wolf got into the sheepfold is to know how to be more vigilant in the future. And because it looks as if Corapi and his lawyers are not telling the whole story - and setting up obstructions to those who want to do so.
Agree with me or not, the stuff coming out now is confirming quite a lot of what critics have speculated since the news broke last Spring. National Catholic Register has published some key details about the case which reflect negatively upon Corapi's claims.
A few important details:
Father Gerard Sheehan, regional priest-servant of SOLT and Father Corapi’s religious superior in the U.S., confirmed June 19 that the order’s investigation faced complications created by a civil suit filed by Father Corapi against the former employee who had accused him of sexual misconduct.
“When she left the company, she signed a contract that she would not reveal anything that happened to her while she was at Santa Cruz Media. Father Corapi paid her for this. Father was suing her for a breach of contract,” said Father Sheehan, though he did not specify why Father Corapi had initiated the non-disclosure agreement.
Obstruction of justice?
The civil suit against the former employee created a problem for SOLT investigators.
“In canon law, there can’t be any pressure on witnesses; they have to be completely free to speak. The investigation was compromised because of the pressure on the witnesses. There were other witnesses that also had signed non-disclosure agreements,” said Father Sheehan.
The investigation was halted after Father Corapi “sent us a letter resigning from active ministry and religious life. I have written him a letter asking him to confirm that decision. If so, we will help him with this process of leaving religious life,” said Father Sheehan.
He expressed disappointment that Father Corapi chose not to remain in SOLT and to refuse the order’s invitation for him to live in community, leaving his Montana home. Father Sheehan said he had tried to arrange a meeting with Father Corapi before any final decision was announced, but had not heard back from him. Father Sheehan said that SOLT would issue a statement shortly.
“We wanted him to come back to the community, and that would have meant leaving everything he has. It would have been a drastic change for him,” Father Sheehan said. “We will continue to move pastorally and charitably, taking steps to protect his good name.” - NCRegister, Joan Frawley Desmond
So far the best coverage and analysis I have found is here:
The Deacon's Bench
The Anchoress
Te Deum Laudemus
Caelum et Terra