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Priests and political office.

What a Spanish Bishop has to say about it.
Rome, Italy, Jun 22, 2011 / 03:02 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- A Spanish bishop is reminding Catholic clergy that being actively engaged in politics is incompatible with priestly life.
The comments by Bishop Ingacio Munilla of San Sebastian follow the election of a priest to the city council in Gudina, Spain.
“The priesthood, as an aspect of parenthood, is the universal father of all,” Bishop Munilla told CNA while on a visit to Rome.
Fr. Antonio Fernandez Blanco was elected as a Spanish Socialist Party member in the Galician town of Gudina last month. After a suspension from priestly duties and a warning from his local bishop, Fr. Blanco offered his resignation as a local councilor.
“It’s specific to the laity to bring Christ into public life - political life as well. So it’s the domain of lay people to get involved in politics, but not for a priest, because he has to be a father to people with all political opinions and (this) may reduce the ability to be paternal.”
The internal law of the Catholic Church – which is called canon law – expressly forbids clerics from running for political office. - CNA
Fortunately the priest came to his senses, resigned his position and returned to ministry.  See - it can happen.