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Spokesman for Boston Archdiocese calls blogger's attacks on the Cardinal “outrageous and disgraceful.”

Regarding the gay Mass at St. Cecilia's.
The Cardinal insists that the so-called Gay Pride Mass originally scheduled has been canceled and is not re-scheduled.  Evidently some don't believe him.
"BOSTON, June 23, 2011 (LifeSiteNews.com) - The Archdiocese of Boston has strongly denied that a rescheduled Mass initiated by the Rainbow Ministry of St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church will celebrate gay pride and said that Cardinal Seán O’Malley’s handling of the situation has been unfairly maligned.
“I can tell you unequivocally: this Mass is not a celebration of gay pride week, month,” a spokesman for the diocese told LifeSiteNews.com Thursday, echoing a statement issued by Cardinal O’Malley yesterday.
In that statement O’Malley had said that the “philosophical and political agenda of Gay Pride in relation to marriage and sexual morality is incompatible with the Church’s teachings. For that reason, [St. Cecilia pastor Rev. John] Unni rescheduled a Mass of welcome for all his parishioners to a time that would not associate the Mass with the Gay Pride agenda.”
O’Malley said, “Catholics who have same sex attractions are often criticized by their friends for coming to Mass,” and that those close to such individuals “are distressed that their loved ones feel rejected by their Church.”
“We want all baptized Catholics to come to Mass and be part of our community, but we cannot compromise the teaching of the Church rooted in Scripture and tradition,” he said.
O’Malley called the confusion surrounding the event “regrettable” and referred to his previous statements on his blog and an editorial in The Boston Pilot as sources of clarification on Church teaching."
Archdiocesan spokesman Terrence Donilon had this to say regarding news reports and online chatter that the Archdiocese rescheduled the Mass:
“I’m not going to let these people attack the Cardinal’s integrity nor his 40 plus years of priesthood,” said Donilon, defending O’Malley’s record defending the unborn and marriage, and calling the attacks “outrageous and disgraceful.”
“This isn’t about defending Catholicism, this is about hurting, defaming, denegrating people, and speaking mistruths, and manipulating words and positions of the cardinal and archdiocese. I think they’re malicious,” said Donilon. “I’m talking both conservative and liberal bloggers.” - LifeSite News

Discrediting the bishops.
I think Catholic bloggers and online personalities - 'both conservative and liberal voices' - have contributed significantly to the growing mistrust of Catholic bishops which affects just about every pronouncement or decision coming out of many chanceries these days.  Bishops are accused of lying to their flock, they are accused of being Marxists, their fidelity to Catholic teaching is called into question if they show the least bit of reticence concerning the Traditional Latin liturgy, and so on.  There are some priests and laity online who contribute in no small way to the contentious atmosphere of distrust and disobedience, and in and through their harsh criticism and scoffing, they foment greater disrespect for the hierarchy.  I have been just as presumptuous in the past on this blog and in my conversation, and I regret it.
I believe in this particular case the Cardinal and his authorized spokesman should be respected, and if the forthcoming 'welcoming' Mass is determined to be in conflict with Church teaching, then the proper disciplines and sanctions should be utilized and enforced.  Until then, I think it is wise for those of us uninvolved to wait and see.  The Cardinal is the one calling the shots, he is the one man responsible for what happens in his See.
UPDATE:  Evidently there is great confusion in the Boston Archdiocese, hence the accusations of double talk by the Cardinal and his staff.  I just read this.  If true, that's too bad.  Concerned faithful should appeal to the Papal Nuncio.
ANOTHER UPDATE:  Here is another view on what is going on:  Crazy Cons Attack Cardinal Sean