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Midsummer's Eve

It is still St. John's Eve, though just past midnight. The night illumined by fires before the Feast of the Baptist. It was a tradition in the early days of Christendom to have a bonfire in honor of the saint who was a "burning and shining light." (John 5:35)  In some places, they still do...

...  Ah! Reminds me of a play I once saw... the dialog echoes in me mind...
"But after all, it has only been midsummer madness. Lady Iris, wouid you be good enough to ring for my wrap?"
" Certainiy, princess!"

" And get rid of those damn cowbells!"

"May I help you, princess?"

" Thank you, Lady Iris... Goodbye, goodbye. I shall always feel a strong attachment to you all. (Let go!)"

"I can't. I'm stuck."

" Let go!"

"It's my bracelet. It's caught on you...

"Bring down the curtain!"

Yes dear readers, I shall always feel a strong attachment to you all... after all, it has only been midsummer madness!

Art: Midsummer Night's Dream by P. D. White.