Continually making excuses for priests.
I don't know about you...
But I'm getting tired of hearing everyone repeat: pray for priests! pray for priests! pray for priests! every time one of them takes off with the collection plate or runs off with his personal trainer. And if anyone dares discuss the guy's misbehavior, or tries to figure out how the jerk got away with what he did for so long, they are condemned as if they committed a crime.
Hey - does anyone remember what Corapi said during the peak of the priest scandal? I can't remember the exact words, but he said something like, "Catholics" (presumably CINO ones - not his paying audience) "get the priests they deserve." I heard it on EWTN. But of course he always urged people to "Pray for priests." It makes you look good when you say that. I can say "Fr. So and So is a big fat manipulative lay-about, so we need to pray very much for him and pray for all priests." It works. It's a 'little bit of hypocrisy repeating'.
But isn't 'pray for priests' covered by the 'pray for the conversion of sinners' intention?
I'm probably wrong, huh? Although I'm pretty sure they - like ourselves - will be held accountable for their actions in the end - right?
Okay fine. I'll keep praying for priests then.