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The Inhospitality of Sodom.

On display on late nite.
With celebs such as Bill Maher, Marc Maron, and Dan Savage, all attacking Michele Bachmann and her husband, as well as Rick Santorum with vulgar, hate-filled rhetoric, discussing 'hate-sex' - raping the politicians 'angrily' - one might be able to buy into the scriptural interpretation gay exegetes suggest as the real sin of Sodom - inhospitality.  There is nothing hospitable about 'hate-sex' and rape:  After all, the townsfolk of Sodom came out late at night to savage Lot's visitors.  Today the analogy works for me. 
What is so spectacularly hypocritical about all of this is that Dan Savage is the guy who began the ever so compassionate "It gets better" political campaign against gay bullying... So who's the bully now?
The crap these guys spew is so repulsive I am offended it is permitted to air - anywhere.  The emails I received speaking of the matter were just as repulsive and disgusting due to the graphic content.  These celebrity rants bring to mind the horrible crimes committed against that innocent family in Connecticut wherein a doctor's wife and daughters were raped and burnt to death in their own home
I know gay men who will rant and rave in similar fashion against any politician they perceive as anti-gay agenda.  They've said the same things about people like Sarah Palin and her daughter.  Radical feminist women, who supposedly continue to defend women against violence, have spouted similar hate-filled epitaphs.  These people are so not about 'peace' they are about violence and hate.
Mark Shea says it better than I can:
"This is a militant crusading intolerant and deeply hypocritical faith that does not hesitate for a second to deploy against its perceived enemies everything it pretends to decry. Hate sex Rape is openly bruited and applauded. The most miserable schoolyard bullying is just part of the toolkit for these phony apostles of compassion. These guys are going to wear out their welcome damn fast once they use the force of law to try to hammer people into Goodthink. You can't beat people into loving your perversion."
Know your enemies.  
Photo: Bill Maher - source