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The end of an era... Corapi's ego explodes.

The last post... still schlepping.
Like Charlie Sheen, Corapi is all about the money.  On his last entry, he continues to offer his material at 50% off - for a limited time only and then: "After that, there will be no further chance to acquire the audio and video material that marked that era."  Era?  Holy crap.  Get yourselves a Donate button all ye holier than thous - how true the old passage from 1 Tim. 6, 6: "there is great gain in religion!"
For twenty years I tried to impart the Catholic and Christian Faith through preaching and teaching the Word of God as a Catholic priest. That era of my life is sadly ended, but rather than lie down and die, I have made a decision to continue doing what I can to inspire, teach, and give hope to the people living in a time in history much in need of it.
...unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat...
An interesting anecdote:
“Corapi said that a long time ago he decided not to let himself get backed into a corner where the church could manipulate him with threats like denying him a pension or a home or an assignment. He worried that it would be a real test of faith for him if the church asked him to go live in a monastery and give up his worldly goods. ‘Hopefully, I would do it,” he said years later, with an inflection in his voice suggesting that he might not. When pressed, however, he conceded that he had superiors like everyone else and if they said, ‘You’re finished,’ he’d be finished. But when really pushed about what he would do if ordered to turn over his assets, he said he had concluded that because of his status – somewhere between a member of a religious order and a parish priest – canon law was ambiguous on this question.” - A revealing quote from a 2007 book
Yes, yes.  I pray for him, but I can still call an ass an ass.
That's all.