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I have some very heavy burtations on the Corapi deal.

A very darist-darison...
Actually they are questions, but if anyone says anything mean, I'm claiming I'm having a 'heavy burtation'.
So anyway.  Why hasn't the MSM picked up on this whole thing?  Where is the anti-Catholic, anti-priest mainstream media?  (Oh!  Oh! And where is Bill Donohue on the Catholic bashing Catholic brouhaha over the Corapi case??)  Think of it - the MSM gobbled up the Haggard story, they went nuts over Rekers call boy luggage handler, and don't even mention the hatchet job they did on Tammy Faye's failed attempts to make the best dressed list.  Fr. Corapi is supposedly such a high profile evangelist and former Hollywood almost-celebrity - rich and famous, life in the fast lane type of guy.  And what about Euteneuer?  How did they miss his story?  Famous exorcist and all of that?  Maybe because they weren't gay?  I dunno.  Maybe it is just an MSM burtation?
You know what?  I never followed that Casey Anthony case, did you?  I didn't.
But here's some news the MSM won't ignor:  Cardinal Schoenborn is even in more trouble now.  A whole bunch of his priests are in heresy and they are not suspended!  Yet... yet... Corapi was.  I know!  Anyway, remember my post the other day about The big one?  I wasn't even thinking of the Austrians.
Little known factoid.  I once claimed to be part Austrian - but I can't prove it.  My brother claims my uncle told him we were descended from Austrian Jews - but he couldn't prove it.
PSA:  The dog will bark sometime today.