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Miraculo! Miraculo!

It could happen.
With the secular press now reporting on it, I guess it is safe to mention there just might be a Eucharistic miracle that took place in South St. Paul not too long ago.  It's currently under investigation by the Archdiocese of St. Paul/Minneapolis.
The mystery centers on a consecrated host that the Rev. John Echert of St. Augustine Church said fell to the floor last month during Holy Communion and turned "blood red" after being placed in a cup filled with water. It has yet to fully dissolve, he said.
"It was notable enough that, clearly, it was some phenomenon and not the ordinary way in which a host would dissolve...that we're familiar with," Echert said.

The archdiocese, which now has the host, is taking a "very cautious stance on the matter," spokesman Dennis McGrath said.

"I make no claims, and the archdiocese makes no claims, as to the likelihood of this being supernatural," Echert said. "But it is enough of a phenomenon, or unusual, that we will continue to examine this host."
He added: "I've never in my 24 years as a priest seen or been aware of a phenomenon where a consecrated host placed in water turns to this bright-colored red and continues in what I would call the blood-red color."

Word of the wondrous wafer eventually landed on several Catholic websites and blogs, sparking discussion and conjecture by some that it resembles the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Others suggest a bacterium may be the cause. - TwinCities.com

The photos.
I looked closely at some photos of the remains of the consecrated host a friend sent me, and I was impressed by what I saw.   On closer examination of the above photo, the 'bloodied' portion resembles a heart surmounted by what appears to be a small cross.  Of course, believers know a miracle takes place at every consecration at every single Mass, and that when they communicate they receive the actual Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ.  That is the real miracle of the Eucharist which takes place daily around the world. 
If the situation discovered at St. Augustine's is determined to be miraculous, it will be for the glory of God, the edification of the faithful, and a sign to strengthen the faith of those who doubt or disbelieve the Real Presence of Christ in the Blessed Sacrament.  For it to be authentic, it would seem to me the elements would have to remain stable and insoluble, or at least be shown to be consistent with human tissue and blood.  I don't know the discernment process of course, but that is why diocesan authority has to finally rule and define what has actually taken place. 
The anti-Catholic angle.
Oddly enough a couple of people have already cried fowl on the secular media because of how they have written about the possible 'miracle'.  Believers themselves can maintain skepticism and reserve without incurring sin, thus one ought not to expect too much from secular non-believers.  One particular criticism I encountered seems to be focused upon the photograph I've shown here of Fr. Echert.  Unflattering as the photo may be, I see nothing anti-Catholic in the article I linked to, nor in the photo.  Echert actually looks like that.  Reason enough not to let one's self be photographed for any purpose.  - yet I doubt the intention was anti-Catholic.