What up with that?
Some days I get really exasperated with 'the gays'...
Like, what's with all the fellowship bullshit at Mass? You don't feel welcome? Why bother going then? I don't go to Mass with expectations of being the center of attention and accolades for just showing up. I don't expect to have some special welcoming committee glad handing me when I walk in. I don't need to be hugged or have my hand held throughout the Lord's Prayer. I don't want to have to stop and chat after Mass while I'm trying to make my thanksgiving. I'm not there to party.
I go to Mass to pray, to worship, to thank God, to praise God, to ask for God's mercy. I go to Mass because the Love of God attracts me. It is God who first loved me that draws me. I go because I hunger and thirst for Him in the Eucharist. I definitely feel loved by God in the Eucharist, at Mass, in church. And the people are nice - sometimes, sometimes not. There's the bitch who looks down her nose if I wear shorts, the couple who watches me for I don't know what, and the occasional jerk who never says hello or smiles when I say hi and give him a big smile every week. That's life.
The Church isn't a country club.
So rather than pissing and moaning that they don't 'feel' accepted by other Catholics at Mass - maybe gay people should take a personal inventory of themselves and answer a few questions about their personal prejudices and lack of acceptance of others. For instance:
Do you accept other Catholics who may not like you? Ignore you? Sneer at you?
Do you know that single heterosexuals also feel out of place at times in group and family situations?
Do you accept Catholic couples who seem to have at least one baby every year with the other 10 annoying you during the homily?
Likewise, do you accept those families who want to raise their children in line with Catholic teaching?
Do you accept church-ladies and busy-bodies who are always part of parish life?
Do you accept the discipline of the Church regarding reception of the Eucharist?
Do you support the bishops who refuse to permit pro-gay activist groups to meet on Church property?
Do you accept Catholic teaching on faith and morals?
Photo: Holy Redeemer, San Francisco, Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. That's normal, huh?