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"Why do these words sound so nasty?"

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me god.

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost. Amen.


Father, why do these words sound so nasty?

Can be fun
Join the holy orgy
Kama Sutra

Vile words.
Now that Gay Pride month is over, I've been getting a couple of emails with photos of gay pride parades, and of course I've run across the same on one or two news portals and websites. The stuff 'they' do in their parades and carnivals is very celebratory and definitely gay all the way, as well as very theatrical, very Broadway, and very much reminding me of the Broadway musical Hair.  As a toddler (what?) I saw the original cast version on Broadway way back when.  I thought it was very cool but kind of lame - people pretending to be hippies - I was never one to take musicals seriously.  In fact, I've just mentioned two things I dislike the most; parades - any parade, and musicals - although there have been exceptions in that category (Springtime For Hitler).
Gay people, those who promote the lifestyle and engage in homosexual behavior, hate the word sodomy - just like many more people hate the act, there seem to be a growing number of people today who really hate the word.  It reminds me of the parody from Hair - the song entitled Sodomy - the lyrics are at top.  It was meant to shock in those days, just as it was meant to exorcise the shamefulness of the act.  Today sodomy is not only associated with homosexual practice, it has been a successful sexual alternative to vaginal sex for heterosexuals who wish to avoid unwanted pregnancy.  Basketball players have been accused of that type of behavior in rape cases, as was the former president of the IMF, Dominique Straus-Kahn.  And some kids seem to be able to engage in it while claiming to retain their virginity, 'since it's not really sex'.  Creepy.
So anyway.  Why does the sodomy word sound so nasty?
For one, because what it connotes is nasty.  The lyrics from the song is sophomoric titillation, sung by a teen character just 'turning on'.  It's naive and meant to be funny as well - if you're 10 years old.  The musical as a whole wasn't really all that naive however.  It actually unearthed from the 'underground culture' of the time, all the stuff the establishment's moral code had up until the age of chemical contraception deemed unspeakable.  Kids were experimenting with drugs and sex and alternative lifestyles with greater license because of the pill.  Free-love - a concept that emerged amongst the early 20th century Bohemians - Margaret Sanger amongst them.  Hair is an example of how theater affects morality and politics in ways not always so subtle - although it is often dismissed as just 'entertainment'.   But I digress.
PC vs. not PC.
I'm not sure why gay activists and gay people hate the sodomite word so much.  On some level, contempt for the word has led gay Scriptural exegetes to attempt to change the meaning of the Biblical account of the destruction of Sodom and Gonorrhea (just kidding with that name!) to say that the cities of the plane were destroyed pretty much due to the inhospitality of the inhabitants.  Maybe it's a bit more complicated than that - but they've down played the sodomy aspect.  Even though most people would consider being sodomized by their hosts to be rather inhospitable.  I know!

The lyrics of the Sodomy song from Hair ask why these words sound so nasty - while there is a not so subtle rebellion against Christian faith within the framework of the scene.  The young character pretends to be praying, using the 'nasty words' in a sort of ritualized chant, ending with an invitation to a communal orgy.  I see gay pride heading that way.  One of the photos a reader sent me shows a guy - most probably straight, dressed in costume for the parade, wearing a t-shirt sign, "I'm gay for today".  I think the gay thing is moving towards to what could become just such a sexually-fluid event like that - even if only engaged in during the carnival atmosphere of gay pride.  Media is getting close to promoting it as trend.  Therefore I think it reasonable to suggest that we're actually in Sodom to some extent.  Again, I digress. 
So what is it?
Nevertheless, I still have not figured out why sodomite is so offensive to gay people and those who like to sodomize their friends as a means of welcoming them or 'loving' them?   (Doesn't that sound radical though?)  Is it just because it is condemned in the Bible?  Or that there used to be laws on the books against sodomy?  Spiritual writers use the term in the Biblical sense and it is quite appropriate to do so.  Do people who engage in sodomy find it offensive?  If so, what does that say about their conscience - if anything?  (I must add I'm not judging anyone.)  Over eaters are gluttons.  Habitual drunks are alcoholics.  They usually can't overcome these things until they admit, or acknowledge these facts.  Therefore, is objection to the word sodomite just another form of denial?
I don't know what other people think - but I too find the word nasty - but that's because I think the act is disgusting - no matter who is doing it.  It is what it is. 
Now having said all of that, there is the real issue that today not a few people use the word in language that is purposely meant to hurt and denigrate the humanity of anyone who appears to have homosexual tendencies.  It is used to shame and condemn the person; 'hate the sin and not the sinner' is the rule of thumb, but there are many people who use the word out contempt for the person.  They use other more vile terms as well.  What to do about it?
I don't know.
Disclaimer:  This post is not intended to offend.
Photo:  Scene from Hair